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My Journey

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16 years ago, things magically aligned for me to embark on a new journey. With the creation of harmonic space, I turned a life-long passion into my profession and have been working as a classical feng shui practitioner since.

As a child I could see the energy of the land and loved drawing houses. When I was four years old, my family moved into in a large apartment complex and I used to see herds of cows moving through the entrance hall of the building. Some years later I found out that prior to the construction of the apartment blocks there used to be a leather factory. I then understood that the land absorbs and retains the energy of its history even when the building itself is no longer there.

So, while I loved playing with Monchichis and roller skating, I have always had a spiritual interest in properties as far as I can remember. Perhaps, a trait I inherited from my grandmother who was very dedicated in her feng shui practices.

My parents emigrated to Germany in the late 60’s where I was born in 1972 and spent most of my life. I never actually lived in Japan which is the country of my ancestral origin. I went to University in Frankfurt to major in Archaeology and American Studies but had to discontinue due to health challenges. After a long recovery period I was in a situation where I had to earn and began to work for Japan Airlines where I stayed for 15 years.

Since my earliest childhood I have had health challenges which put me on a constant journey of return to well-being through a combination of allopathic and alternative medicine as well as energy and spiritual healing. I couldn’t truly heal and experience a full recovery if the immediate surrounding was not supporting the healing process. And I am not only referring to socioeconomic and lifestyle factors but a healthy and sustainable living space. Sleeping in the right room as well as the bed position are important for maintaining health and recovering from surgery or illness because land and properties provide a universal vital force which is life sustaining. We depend on a healthy living environment to thrive.

In all the properties I analysed during the past 16 years, I could always see how the feng shui situation mirrors the resident’s life. For example, singles are drawn to properties which do not support spouse energy, businesses which do very well have strong financial aspects in their feng shui constellation and the capacity to make the most out of opportunities, and health issues are often reflected in the structure of a place.

My concern was the cure! In most cases the space clearing issues are not the root cause for misalignments. Most feng shui related problems arise from the structure, layout, location, or a mismatch between the occupant and property energy, the only truly effective recommendation in such cases are related to structural changes or a relocation. For this reason, I became a big supporter of property evaluations prior to buying and renting.

I have been trained in all the different feng shui subdivisions such as BaZi Astrology, urban planning, I-Ching, and auspicious date selection, and take all of them into consideration in a consultation. Learning to read directional qualities, and the impact of form, layout, and structure was most inspiring for me. It is a life-long learning journey.

Today, I work mostly online connecting through video calls and it is not only time and cost efficient but I actually prefer to work this way because the client is more involved in the process by taking compass measurements together, drawing a floor plan by hand, showing me the property on a call etc. I very much appreciate and enjoy this new way of working.

I am a registered member of the German Association of Professional Feng Shui Practitioners and Geomancy, a certified Advanced Metatronic Healing and Life practitioner, and a Home Alignment and Life Alignment practitioner.

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Cozy Living Room
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