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Since 2008

Living room
About harmonic space: Image

There are 3 aspects in feng shui which are fundamental to creating a positive living environment or a flourishing business. And, they have nothing to do with placing plants in every corner of the room and choosing the right colour for the sofa.

The first thing we look at is the location, terrain, and interpretation of landscape forms in the surrounding areas. At this stage we also look at the exterior of a property and inner structures and layout, in other words, all the physical aspects of a consultation.

The second aspect we focus on are the subtle energies and this is where the compass measurement becomes important. It represents the "Yang" energy which moves fast and has a great impact on the atmosphere of a place. In feng shui the directional interpretations are based on the hexagrams of the I-Ching which are on the feng shui compass. They are needed to assess whether a property has all 5 fundamental life aspects which are health, money, status, social aspects and career. Also the concept of timing becomes important at this stage.

The third aspect deals with the human being who is integrated in the planning through the astrology, the date of birth.

And all 3 aspects have one thing in common which is the I-Ching hexagrams.

So, as a feng shui practitioner, I put all 3 aspects in relation to each other evaluate a property and see which aspect of life are supported for the individual person and which areas are not . So, it is all about the compatibility of the life forces and how they influence each other.

When we think of the origin of feng shui and the concept of wind and water one must know that it is about the universal life force of the land which allows cities to flourish over millenia and represents the very essence of the universe. It is like the wind which cannot be seen but only its effects on the environment. Water is it's pendent in physical form and moved by the wind. So, the physical is controlled by the dynamic forces of viatal energies.

harmonic space is dedicated to creating both living and working environments, which promote peace and happiness. Living in Harmony with all aspects of life, is fundamental to our personal growth and wellbeing since we are all part of nature.
When properties are planned in harmony with the natural laws of form and Earth energies, they not only aesthetically blend in with the surroundings, and enhance our environment. Hence they help us being in our own alignment. Silence of the mind, deeper clarity and expansion in all areas of life are a signature effect of it. This vibrational upgrade is beneficial and noticeable in all areas of our everyday experience. The demand for wellness and comfort in commercial, public, and living environments is constantly increasing. Integrating eco design and feng shui creates a heightened positive experience that enhances all of these projects.

About harmonic space: Text
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